Welcome To HeadHeartHealing

I believe that our actions or decisions are often made with our Heads (conscious minds) but our Hearts (subconscious minds) are not always in agreement… which often leads to conflict, self sabotage and illness.

We often make decisions with our Heads

I offer one-on-one, private consultations in a supportive and safe environment, to assist you to identify what is holding you back, so that you can be more of who you truly are.

True Healing

takes place after acceptance and forgiveness is achieved.

If you are wanting to quit smoking, give up excess weight, conquer your fear of flying, build your self confidence, speak in public, lift your depression, Hypnosis is a highly effective tool to assist you to achieve the LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE!

We often make decisions with our Heads but our Hearts are not always in agreement

Quit Smoking Programme

Quitting for good is easy when you know how!

A proven, effective and easily achievable programme consisting of 2 x highly individualized 1.5 hour confidential consultations in a safe and secure environment.

Weight Management

Do you find that you start a new diet with huge enthusiasm only to find that you go back to your old eating patterns every time?


Exam Ease and Memory Recall

If you are finding the level of stress challenging, if you are struggling to settle down and study or if you are finding it difficult to recall what you have studied, consider a few sessions of focused hypnosis. You have everything to gain!

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

Personalized, highly confidential consultations for:

Academic / athletic performance
With hypnosis, the subconscious mind is able to easily experience how it feels to achieve your goals ensuring that the conscious mind directs and supports you positively.
Hypnosis can reconnect you to that part of you that is not controlled by your addiction. By strengthening and building this vital part, you are empowered to create a more meaningful and satisfying life for yourself.
Hypnosis can assist you to connect and ultimately determine what your unique anxiety triggers are. With the help of your subconscious mind, an alternative reaction to these triggers may be established, levels of anxiety can be significantly reduced enabling you to enjoy a calmer and more fulfilling life.
Hypnosis can assist you to connect to those parts of you that strengthen and guide you so that you can experience inner support during your time of bereavement.
Bullying is unfortunately a very stressful and often scary reality for many learners. Hypnosis can assist you to reconnect to your inner strength enabling you to be better empowered in situations where you previously felt helpless.
Hypnosis can assist you to connect to what it is that is holding you back from being your confident self! With your own unique inner guidance, you can experience how it feels to be confident and self-assured enabling you to develop and build your own levels of confidence going forward. You will be given confidence enhancing tools to use whenever needed.
Living a lighter and more fulfilling life becomes achievable when events and / or behaviours that impact on your ability to feel positive thoughts and emotions are identified and dealt with in a gentle, supportive manner.
Eating Challenges
Hypnosis can assist you to connect to that part of you that needs food to experience comfort. When an understanding of this unwanted behavior is established and dealt with, you can once again develop a healthy relationship with food as well as feed your soul in a nurturing, loving manner.
Emotional Upsets
If emotional upsets are impacting on your ability to lead a satisfying life, then hypnosis can assist you to reconnect to that part of you that strengthens and guides you enabling you to navigate life’s ups and downs more easily.
Fears & Phobias
Hypnosis can assist you to connect to the source of your fears or phobias so that with this new understanding, alternative reactions to triggers can be established and strengthened.
Guilt Feelings
Hypnosis can assist you to connect to the source of your guilt feelings, enabling you to make peace and to let go for once and for all, enabling you to lead a lighter, freer life.
Pain Management
Migraines, lower back ache, inflammatory conditions may be subconscious reactions to stress and repressed emotions. Hypnosis can assist you to connect to the origins of these events so that pain levels can be reduced and managed. You will also be given practical tools for you to use to manage your discomfort whenever needed.
Panic Attacks
Hypnosis can assist you to find an alternative, more productive response to stressors that usually activate your flight and fight response when it is not necessarily needed. Once an alternative response is well developed and strengthened, your “old” response can be weakened to the point that it no longer has the power to control you.
Past Life Regression
We subconsciously carry forward experiences, attitudes, and relationship dynamics from prior lives into our current lifetimes. This can be beneficial, but when upsetting experiences are left unresolved, relationships are left unhealed – attitudes and decisions may be carried forward from a past lifetime which could negatively influence our current experience. Past Life Regression using Hypnosis can assist you to explore and discover your own beliefs about the existence of past-life experiences, and help such experiences to create a more beneficial understanding within yourself.
Public Speaking
At some stage in our lives we will be called upon to speak in public. This can either be an enjoyable or highly fearful experience. Hypnosis can assist you to relax so that you may present your true self in a positive and productive manner. You will be given practical tools to assist you whenever needed.
Quitting Smoking

Your heart needs your love … not nicotine! 

Quitting for good is easy when you know how!

A proven, effective and easily achievable Programme consisting of two highly individualized 1.5 hour confidential consultations in a safe and secure environment. You will be supported and guided throughout the Programme and you WILL leave your second consultation a NON Smoker! Your Programme includes a specialized “Quitting Smoking Reinforcement” sound recording for you to listen to whenever you wish.

What quitting could mean for you:

Improved – fertility | lung capacity | levels of oxygen in the body | energy levels | smell and taste | healthier loved ones (no more 2nd hand smoke) | less stress | longer life | whiter teeth | younger looking skin AND … NO MORE GUILT!

Learn how to focus your subconscious mind to achieve your goals and live the healthy life you deserve to live!

See our quitting smoking website

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 – “Hi Des, which is longer, 4 weeks or 1 month? That is today that I stopped smoking! Another celebration tonight! Feeling great, even now running on the treadmill and short marathons as from next month! Kind regards, Llewellyn. Lux u.”

 – “Quitting smoking has been a pretty weird transition for me, it’s like I know I used to smoke but I don’t really remember smoking? Odd or not…that’s how it feels..?  Life without smoking is good. Been on my bike up the mountain….been to gym….walked around the golf course in the last 2 weeks…got more energy..enjoying my different smells….loving the peace that Buddha and I have in my office ….so I guess all is good and long may it last… thank you for doing what you did!!!!!”

 – “Morning Des –  I am so happy, didn’t once have an urge or craving to light up a cigarette.  Sat with ppl that were smoking and would normally give into lighting up.  So I’m happy!

Thanks again for the help and support and for accommodating me!!!  I can only speak well of this treatment and your fantastic treatment plan!!!”

Relationship Challenges
Effective relationships and our ability to communicate in a confident, healthy manner are vital elements needed to lead a happy, fulfilling life. Hypnosis can assist you to identify what it is in your relationship with yourself that is holding you back from enjoying meaningful relationships with your family, friends, colleagues, school friends and loved ones.
We can never relax enough! Hypnosis can assist you to relax deeply and completely. You will leave with tools to assist you to reconnect to a more relaxed you whenever needed.
School and Study Challenges
There is a lot of pressure placed on young people to excel in school and particularly in their matric exams. If you are finding the level of stress challenging, if you are struggling to settle down and study or if you are finding it difficult to recall what you have studied, consider a few consultations of focused hypnosis. You have everything to gain!
Self Injury
Hypnosis can assist you to connect to that part of you that needs to feel release from inner pain. Once communication and understanding is established, alternative healthier methods of pain relief can be established and developed.
Self Motivation
Hypnosis can assist you to connect to that part of you that needs encouragement and support in order to achieve your goals. Established and experiencing a feeling desired outcome as opposed to a thinking desired outcome is a much more powerful motivator!
Sexuality Challenges
Hypnosis can assist you to connect to your desired sexual self, providing you with clarity and direction enabling you to achieve the life you wish to live.
Sleeping Challenges
Hypnosis can assist you to connect to what it is that is preventing you from enjoying a good night’s sleep. With inner guidance and support you may once again experience how it feels to wake up refreshed and energized, ready for the day!
Unresolved Childhood Issues
Hypnosis can assist you to reconnect to unresolved issues which originate in your childhood and affect your life as an adult. A more fulfilled life may be obtainable once understanding and forgiveness is achieved.
Unwanted Habits
We all have habits that hold us back in some way. For example procrastination is something that we may experience sometime in our lives. If your unwanted habits are impacting on your ability to lead the life you deserve, then hypnosis can assist you to connect to the source enabling you to establish an alternative, more productive and positive pattern of achievement.
Weight Management
Do you find that you start a new diet with huge enthusiasm only to find that you go back to your old eating patterns every time?  It could be that you are making the decision to go on a diet with your Head (conscious mind) but your Heart (subconscious mind) has its own reasons for not agreeing with your decision.  A successful, sustainable eating and lifestyle plan is dependent on full understanding and support on a conscious and subconscious level.  It is easier than you think – read below a satisfied clients account of her own experience …

 – “I have struggled with my weight for most of my life, but especially in the latter years. After much deliberation, I decided to try a dietician in 2010, but subconsciously I was scared of failure even though I badly wanted to shed the weight. I lost 17 kg over a period of year, but it was like a yo yo, the weight going up and down all the time. Eventually I gained all my weight plus more.

In October 2012 I prepared myself for hypnotherapy with Des and there was a bit of apprehension, but also enthusiasm. Des was reassuring right from the start and had a calming effect on me. After two sessions, I felt a complete shift in the processing of my thoughts in terms of healthy eating. I ventured to a dietician and the gym in such a short time, with a positive attitude and no feeling of failure at all. I have never felt this way before and it feels AWESOME! Thank you Des for allowing me to believe in myself again and I will enjoy this journey for the rest of my life!”

About Me

I have been a practicing Hypnotherapist since 2010. My interest in Hypnosis started when I experienced what it felt like to get divorced and discovered that I was drug sensitive and unable to tolerate anti depressants. Desperate and depressed, I investigated alternative therapies and went to see a Hypnosis Practitioner. I’m happy to say I have never looked back!

I believe that our actions or decisions are often made with our heads (conscious minds) but our hearts (subconscious minds) are not always in agreement which often leads to conflict, self sabotage and illness. I am constantly amazed at how Hypnosis addresses these conflicts in a totally client centered and highly effective manner so that we can be free to lead normal, loving and happy lives.

I particularly enjoy working with clients who struggle with stopping smoking and weight management, as I believe being able to conquer what controls you, is key to your own healing. I also consult clients with other challenges such as early childhood trauma, depression, low self esteem, fears, phobias and insomnia.

Feel free to call or email me for more info.

I look forward to partnering you on your healing journey!


Safe proven hypnosis techniques


Supportive & Safe Environment

Desiree E. Attwood CHT

Certified Practicing Hypnotherapist
(non medical) (SAIH)


Hi Des, which is longer, 4 weeks or 1 month? That is today that I stopped smoking! Another celebration tonight! Feeling great, even now running on the treadmill and short marathons as from next month! Kind regards, Llewellyn. Lux u.

Des, you are one of the most important people in my life.  You broke a vice of 30 years and every day I am indebted to you for that.

Thank you so much for Friday Des, and for your support over the last few weeks. It really has been appreciated!

I can feel things are shifting, and what means the world to me, is the clarity I now have in terms of my career path and the way forward.

Hi Des, Thank you very much
I’m so glad I chose to give hypnotherapy another go, and I’m so happy I came to you!!
I’ll definitely be in contact again, and I’ll probably be preaching about you to all friends and family that are still smokers

WhatsApp calls only

083 782 2278


10 Everest Close
Cape Town
South Africa

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